Section 3
Introduction to the various emulator file formats:
- notes from the author: intro
- L64 (64LAN container files)
- N64 (64NET container files)
- ARC (compressed ARChive)
- ARK (ARKive containers)
- Binary/Raw files Binary/Raw files
- C128 Auto-boot sector layout C128 Auto-boot sector layout
- FRZ (C64s saved-session FRoZen files)
- CKIT (Compression KIT compressed files)
- CRT - CaRTridge Images (from the CCS64 emulator)
- CVT (ConVerT containers)
- D2M (Electronic form of a CMD FD2000 1.56 Mb floppy disk)
- D64 (Electronic form of a physical 1541 disk)
- D71 (Electronic form of a double-sided 1571 disk)
- D80 (Disk image of an 8050 diskette, single-sided)
- D81 (Electronic form of a physical 1581 disk)
- Disk File Layout (D64, D71, D81)
- F64 (a companion file to certain D64's)
- G64 (raw GCR binary representation of a 1541 diskette)
- GEOS VLIR (Variable Length Index Record)
- LBR (LiBRary containers, C64 version only)
- LHA, LZH, LZS (LHArc compressed files)
- LNX (LyNX containers)
- P00/S00/U00/R00 (Container files for the PC64 emulator)
- C64 (PC64 saved-session file)
- 64x (PC64/DOS ROM files)
- C64 (PCLINK container files)
- PCV (PCVIC VIC-20 emulator saved-session files)
- S20 (Phau Zeh VIC-20 emulator saved-session files)
- Power 64 RAM Snapshot File (C64 emulator on Apple Power Macintosh)
- REL (RELative file layout)
- SDA (Self-Dissolving compressed Archive)
- SFX (SelF-eXtracting LHA/LZH compressed files)
- SID/PSID (Various SIDPlay / PlaySID Formats)
- SPY (SPYne containers)
- T64 (Tape containers for C64s)
- TAP (raw C64 cassette TAPE images)
- VSF (Vice Snapshot File, saved-session file)
- WAV (RIFF audio files) Resource Interchange File Format
- WRA, WR3 (WRAptor compressed files, and version 3.0 files)
- X64 (X64 and VICE emulator image files)
- ZIP (PKZip compressed files)
- DiskPacked ZipCode (4 or 5 file version, 1!xxxxxx, 2!xxxxxx, etc)
- FilePacked ZipCode (A!xxxxxx, B!xxxxxx, etc)
- SixPack Zipcode (6-file version, 1!!xxxxx, 2!!xxxxx, etc)
- download the original txt version as .zip file