*** WRA, WR3 (WRAptor compressed files, and version 3.0 files)
*** Document revision: 1.4
*** Last updated: March 11, 2004
*** Contributors/sources: Todd Elliott,
                          Fender Tucker & Doreen Horne (Loadstar)

  Written by Bill Lucier (copyright 1995), distributed by Loadstar (on disk
and from the website), and  fixed/updated  by  Doreen  Horne,  this  is  an
uncommon compression format as it is a relatively new program.  It  handles
PRG, SEQ, USR and GEOS files (Sequential and VLIR), but not REL  files.  As
of this writing, the latest bug fixed version was 3.0B. It is  the  support
for compressing GEOS files which makes this program special.

  Many thanks to Fender Tucker (from Loadstar) and Doreen Horne  for  their
support on the Wraptor format, as well as authorizing the  release  of  the
source code, and subsequent  documentation  of  the  format.  I  hope  this
prolongs the life and usefulness of Wraptor.

  Wraptor  utilizes  a  variant  of  the  LZSS   (Lempel-Ziv)   compression
algorithm, starting at 9 bits per code. The following is a dump of a sample
WRA file. The four bytes at the beginning of the file, "FF 42  4C  FF"  are
the signature, and preceed each compressed file in the archive. The "42 4C"
are the authors initials, "BL".

      00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F        ASCII
      -----------------------------------------------   ----------------
0000: FF 42 4C FF 50 4F 4F 59 41 4E 00 02 00 82 04 60   ?BL?POOYAN?.??.`
0010: 80 50 01 16 41 59 0C 14 F0 81 0C 47 49 31 11 40   ?P..AY..??.GI1.@
0020: 9E 4F 2C 90 49 C2 E2 61 3C 82 44 22 94 84 42 C1   ?O,?I+?a<?D"??B+
0030: C0 B0 62 00 21 82 02 90 62 0C 61 63 19 43 D4 4D   +?b?!?.?b.ac.C?M
0040: 20 92 49 D1 F3 13 41 01 E0 02 78 68 37 1C 0D 40   ??I??.A.?.xh7..@
0050: 14 E1 40 00 DD 0B FF 42 4C FF 50 4F 4F 59 41 4E   .?@??.?BL?POOYAN
0060: 2E 4D 41 49 4E 00 02 7E 0C 0A B0 31 31 00 08 00   .MAIN?.~..?11?.?
0070: 00 09 40 00 05 2A 00 02 A5 54 3C 81 10 88 00 08   ??@?.*?.?T<?.??.

  Byte: $00-03: FF 42 4C FF          - Compressed file signature "?BL?"
         04-xx: 50 4F 4F 59 41 4E 00 - File name "POOYAN", terminated  with
                                       a $00 (null) byte
                02                   - File type
                                         01 = SEQ
                                         02 = PRG
                                         03 = USR
                                         04 = GEOS

  What follows the filetype is compressed file data,  up  until  two  bytes
before the next signature, or two bytes to the end of the  file,  whichever
comes first. The two bytes at the end comprise the 16-bit CRC value.

  The Wraptor format does not include information in the header that  would
normally be considered important for generic decompression, such as:

  1. No original or compressed file sizes
  2. No offset to show where the next compressed file starts
  3. No version# info, to know if the decompressor you have is the  correct
     type to uncompress the file. This is determined by the file extension,
     with WR3 being the newest. WRA represents version 1.x and 2.x.

  The original release of Wraptor  (version  1.x)  contained  a  few  bugs,
specifically dealing with the compression and decompression of certain GEOS
filetypes, with all of the other file types (PRG,  SEQ,  USR)  being  fine.
Version 2.x was released, but more bugs with GEOS files  were  found.  Thus
version 3.x was released.

  As of version 3.x, the earlier WRA files are no  longer  supported,  only
the WR3 files. To decode WRA files, you can either use a pre-3.0 version of
Wraptor, or rename the files to end with WR3 and  see  if  version  3  will
unwrap them. If they contain a faulty compressed GEOS file, the file  might
not decompress properly.

  You can get a list of files contained in a WRA/WR3 file by using  one  of
the following two methods:

   1. Decompress each file in succession, a tedious task  at  the  best  of
      times. This *is* the method WRAptor uses to  display  and  decompress
      files in its archives, and it is very slow!

   2. Scan the whole file for the "FF 42 4C FF" signature  preceeding  each
      file, and store the starting offsets. There may  be  the  possibility
      that this signature will show up in the normal compressed  data,  but
      the odds are very low.

  The Wraptor compression on PRG, SEQ and  USR  files  is  very  simple  to
decode. GEOS files are the exception  as  they  need  to  be  reconstructed
exactly as they were, VLIR chains and all. The following C program explains
how basic decompression works, but not for GEOS:



   The following code assumes you  have  already  read  in  the  signature,
   filename+NULL and filetype byte, and simply want to decode the data.
   There is no provision made to decode the GEOS data, or actually show how
   to calculate the CRC


void main(void)
  FILE *readfile, *writefile;

  int i;

  char data, type, tmp, rep_length, read_bitsize;
  unsigned buff_pointer, dict_offset;

  /* Output stream buffer */
  char buffer[(unsigned)32768];

  /* Compressed file to decode */

  /* Uncompressed output stream */

  /* Initial bitsize of the dictionary lookup */

  /* Clear buffer pointer */

    /* Get compressed yes/no flag (single bit) from the input stream */

    /* Normal unencoded data, preceeded by a zero bit */
      /* Get normal 8-bit byte */

      /* Add data to output buffer */

      /* Calculate the CRC as we read in the data */

      /* Move pointer for next data byte */

      /* Has the output buffer filled up? */
        /* Write out the buffer to the output file */
        /* Here is where we would decode the GEOS file structure */
        fwrite(buffer, 1, buff_pointer, writefile);

        /* Reset buffer pointer for another block of data */

    /* Encoded data, preceeded by a one bit */
      /* Get dictionary offset */

      /* A "0" offset, either an EOF or increase read_bitsize by one */
        /* Check next bit */

        /* If next bit clear, we are at the end of the compressed file */
          /* Write output buffer to the output file */
          /* Here is where we would decode the GEOS file structure */
          fwrite(buffer, 1, buff_pointer,writefile);
        /* If next bit set, increase read_bitsize by one */

      /* We have a valid offset, get the length */
        /* Length of the stored string, 5 bits */

          Copy the data from in the buffer at the dict_offset position  to
          the end of the buffer


          /* Write buffer to output file */
          /* Here is where we would decode the GEOS file structure */
            fwrite(buffer, 1, buff_pointer,writefile);

  /* Get the two-byte CRC which follows the compressed data stream */

  /* Make sure the CRC you read matches the one you calculated */
