*** Disk File Layout (D64, D71, D81)
*** Document revision: 1.3
*** Last updated: March 11, 2004
*** Source: Joe Forster/STA (internal rev 0.10)


  This document describes how Commodore drives lay out  files  when  saving
them onto the disk. It does not describe how the Commodore disk or the  BAM
is laid out or how you  can  manage  it,  you  can  read  that  in  another
document. The description also covers  GEOS,  which  uses  its  own  layout
scheme for saving files onto disks. Note that Commodore 1541, 1571 and 1581
drives all use the same scheme, but with different parameters.

  The Pascal source below was verified against real disks written  by  real
drives and proved to lay out files exactly the same way as Commodore drives
and GEOS do. It has been translated into C, as well. These  algorithms  may
be too complicated for your particular needs  because  they  take  so  many
parameters into account. Feel free to strip off whatever you don't need.

  Please, note that,  while  the  algorithms  simulate  the  real  behavior
exactly, the reason for this behavior is not always  fully  known.  As  you
will find below, sometimes we can only assume  the  reason.  If  you  think
these assumptions are incorrect then, please, tell us. We'll be  more  than
happy to discuss and, possibly, include it.

Finding the first block

  Commodore drives, as most floppy drives,  have  a  relatively  slow  head
movement. To speed up data access, it's certainly a good idea  to  put  the
directory into the center of the disk so that, when moving  the  head  from
the directory area to the actual file  data  and  back,  head  movement  is
minimized. On Commodore disks, the directory is on the central track:  this
is track 18 on 1541 disks, track 18 and track 53 (the flip  side  of  track
18) on double-sided 1571 disks, and track 40 on 1581 disks.

  When trying to find a free sector for the first block of  the  file,  the
drive first searches on the track just "below" the  directory  track,  then
the track just "above" the directory track, then 2 below,  2  above,  etc.,
moving away from the directory track. This assures that the first block  of
the file will be as close to the directory track as possible.  Again,  this
minimizes head movement.

  When a track is found, that contains one or more free sectors,  then  the
drive simply grabs the first free  sector  on  that  track,  starting  with
sector zero and going upwards, and allocates it for the first block of  the

  If there are no free sectors left then you get the  '72,DISK  FULL,00,00'
error message. If a track is found, whose "number of free sectors"  counter
in the BAM is not zero, but the sector  allocation  bitmap  shows  no  free
sectors then the BAM is damaged. It is highly recommended  that  you  check
the BAM prior to saving files onto the disk, and refuse to do  anything  if
you find such inconsistensies. The BAM should be repaired, for example with
a validate, first.

Finding the next block

  There's another algorithm for finding successive sectors for the file. It
is executed each time whenever a new sector is needed to  hold  file  data.
The algorithm makes use of  an  interesting  parameter,  the  "interleave".
Because transferring data to  the  host  machine  is  so  slow,  the  drive
shouldn't lay out data of the same file sequentially onto  sectors  of  the
same track. If it wrote the first block of data onto sector zero  and  then
second block onto sector one etc. then, while it is sending data read  from
sector zero to the host machine, the disk would keep  spinning  and  sector
one would leave the read/write head. As soon as the data transmission ends,
the drive would try to read sector one, to get the next block of data,  and
it would find that it has to wait about half a revolution for sector one to
appear again under the read/write head. Therefore, data shouldn't  be  laid
out sequentially but, rather, there should be  "holes"  between  successive
blocks of the same file. Of course, this doesn't mean holes  with  no  data
inside. It only means that data is laid out e.g.  onto  each  even  sector:
sector zero, then sector two, four etc. Then  the  drive  will  have  time,
while sector one, three and five is under the read/write head, to send  the
contents of sector zero, two and four to the host machine. When the end  of
the track is reached, you start again with odd sectors - after all, a track
is an endless circle - and fill in the holes you made by using every second
sector only.

  The distance of successive blocks is what we call "interleave".  On  some
disks, physical sectors are laid out in a non-sequential manner,  that's  a
"hard" interleave. Commodore drives  do  lay  out  physical  sectors  in  a
sequential manner but they put data onto them in  a  non-sequential  order,
that's a "soft" interleave. In the example above,  we  were  using  a  soft
interleave of two, that is, the distance between two successive  blocks  of
the same file was two sectors.

  The optimal interleave for a disk highly depends on how fast data can  be
transmitted to  the  host  machine.  For  a  high  transmission  rate,  the
interleave can be smaller because not much time is needed to  transfer  the
contents of the current sector, therefore successive sectors may be  closer
to each other. For  a  low  transmission  rate,  such  as  the  default  of
Commodore drives, a higher interleave is needed. In particular, 1541 drives
are using an interleave of 10 sectors, 1571 drives use 6 sectors  and  1581
drives use 1 sector, by default. The reason for the  latter  is  that  1581
drives contain a track cache, they can read in a whole track  of  data  and
then transmit data right from the  memory  to  the  host  machine,  without
having to actually access the disk. In this case, there's no real need  for
an interleave, sectors may be laid out  in  a  sequential  manner  -  which
corresponds with  an  interleave  value  of  one  -  without  any  possible
performance penalty.

  So, when the drive finished writing the current block of a file and there
still are free sectors left on the current track, it tries to continue with
the sector that is an "interleave" number of sectors away from the  current
one. It adds the interleave to the current sector number. If  it  runs  off
the current track - the sector number becomes invalid - then  it  subtracts
the number of sectors on the track, which will correct the result.  If  the
corrected result is not sector zero then it subtracts one  more.  This  is,
most probably, some kind of an  empirical  optimization,  because  the  gap
between the last and first sector on a track is always a  bit  longer  than
the other gaps.

  If the sector, the drive arrived at this way, is free then it already has
the sector it needs. If it's used, however, then the drive keeps  searching
for free sectors, starting from this sector, at steps of one.  It  searches
towards the end of the track, then wraps back  to  sector  zero  and  moves
further upwards. As the BAM stated that there are still free sectors on the
current track, it shouldn't arrive back at the sector it started  from.  If
it does then the BAM is damaged.

  If the current track is already full then the drive moves one track  away
from the directory track but keeps the sector number used on  the  previous
track. If there are some free sectors on this  new  track  then  the  drive
tries to find a free sector, using the method  described  in  the  previous
paragraphs, including adding the interleave to the sector number first. The
reason for this, most probably, is that sectors of the same  sector  number
are at about the same angle on all tracks.  Therefore,  when  you  finished
writing sector zero on a track and move to an adjacent track  then  you'll,
probably, read sector one as  the  first  sector  that  arrives  under  the
read/write head on  that  track.  This  means,  you  can  keep  adding  the
interleave, as if you were still on the same track.

  If, while moving away from the directory track, the  algorithm  runs  off
the disk, it tries again on the other half of the disk. If it  stepped  off
track one downwards then it tries again  with  the  track  just  above  the
directory track, going upwards. If it stepped off the highest track upwards
then it tries again with the track just below the  directory  track,  going
downwards. Therefore, at least, two tries should be made:  on  the  current
half of the disk and the other half. For  some  unknown  reason,  Commodore
1541 drives do three tries, which the algorithm below follows. When jumping
to the other half of the disk, the sector number is zeroed. The reason  for
this, probably, is that moving the read/write head to such a great distance
takes away so much time that there's no telling which sector it  will  read
first, arriving at the destination track, so there's no point  keeping  the
previous sector number.

  An extra feature of the algorithms below is that you can also  save  file
data onto free sectors of the directory track. The directory track will  be
used only if all other parts of the disk are completely  full.  Apart  from
this, everything above applies to the directory track, as well.

  It's worth mentioning that this "finding the  next  block"  algorithm  is
used also for finding the next block for the directory, when extending  it.
The only difference is that, in this case, a lower interleave of 3  sectors
is used by 1541 and 1571 drives, by default, because no  data  transmission
to the host machine is involved while processing the directory  data.  1581
drives, as usual, use an interleave of 1 sector.



  GEOS works quite differently from  the  original  drive  DOS.  It  starts
saving files on track one and goes upwards  until  it  fills  up  the  last
track. On its way, of course, it skips the directory tracks.  Actually,  it
uses the same algorithm for finding the first and the next  sectors  for  a
file and even for extending the directory, too.

  Because it has a built-in fast loader, it uses  an  interleave  different
from the original: 8 sectors for 1541 disks. As tests  show,  it  uses  the
original interleave of 6 sectors for 1571  disks  and  1  sector  for  1581
disks, perhaps, because these drives  are  fast  enough  anyway.  The  same
applies for extending the directory which is, again, handled  by  the  same
algorithm, probably, because directory data has to be  transferred  to  the
host machine as it is processed by the GEOS disk  driver  rather  than  the
drive itself.

  GEOS also introduces some kind of a "sector skewing".  Unlike  on  normal
Commodore disks, sectors of the same sector number but on different  tracks
are not at the same angle on the disk. As you  move  away  from  a  certain
track, sector zero  also  slides  away  in  one  direction.  The  distance,
measured by the difference in the sector number, of sectors  at  about  the
same angle on adjacent tracks is the "skew" value. Again, if  this  applies
to physical sectors than that's  a  "hard"  skew.  For  logical  sectors  -
successive blocks of the same file -, that's a "soft" skew. The skew  value
used by GEOS is  computed  by  a  relatively  complicated  formula:  "track
distance" * 2 + 4 + "interleave".

  When stepping onto a new track, GEOS tries to save the next block of file
data onto the sector whose sector number is equal  to  the  result  of  the
above formula. (Strangely enough, the result is not  added  to  the  sector
number but rather assigned to, so it might not  be  a  sector  skew,  after
all.) If this sector is already used then, similarly to the original  drive
DOS, GEOS goes through  the  track  sequentially,  at  steps  of  one,  and
searches for the first free sector after this one.


Pascal source

{=== Start of Pascal source ==============================================}

{--- Global variables ---}

{When True, this is a GEOS-formatted disk, therefore, files have to be
  saved the GEOS way onto it}
{When True, free sectors on the directory track are also allowed to hold
  file data if the disk otherwise gets full}
  CopyToDirTrack: Boolean;
{Track number of current block of file}
{Sector number of current block of file}
{Track number of first track (may be above one for subdirectories on 1581
{Track number of last track plus one (may be below the physical end of
  disk for subdirectories on 1581 disks)}
{Track number of physically last track plus one}
{Track number of directory track}
{Track number of secondary directory track (for 1571 disks); 255 (a
  non-existent track), if not available}
{Soft interleave}
  Interleave: Byte;

{--- Support routines ---}

{Determine if there's, at least, one free sector on a track
  Input : Track: the track to check
  Output: when True, there's, at least, one free sector on the track}
function IsTrackFree(Track: Byte): Boolean;

{Determine if a sector is free
  Input : Track: the track number of sector to check
          Sector: the sector number of sector to check
  Output: when True, the sector is free; otherwise used}
function IsSectorFree(Track, Sector: Byte): Boolean;

{Determine the number of sectors (or the highest valid sector number
  plus one) for a track
  Input : Track: track number
  Output: the number of sectors on the track}
function SectorNum(Track: Byte): Byte;

{--- Implementation of algorithms ---}

{Prototype for NextCopyBlock}
function NextCopyBlock: Boolean;

{Find a sector for the first block of the file, using variables Track and
  Output: when True, a sector was found; otherwise no more sectors left}
function FirstCopyBlock: Boolean;
  Found: Boolean;
  Distance: Byte;
{We found no free sector yet}
  Found := False;
{If this is a GEOS-formatted disk then use the other routine, from track
  one upwards}
  if GEOSFormat then
    Track := 1;
    Sector := 0;
    Found := NextCopyBlock;
{If it's a normal disk then we start off with tracks just besides the
  directory track}
    Distance := 1;
{Search until we find a free block or moved too far from the directory
    while not Found and (Distance < 128) do
{Check the track below the directory track first}
      Track := DirTrack - Distance;
{If the track is inside the valid range then check if there's a free
  sector on it}
      if (Track >= FirstTrack) and (Track < LastTrack) then
        Found := IsTrackFree(Track);
      if not Found then
{If no luck then check the track above the directory track}
        Track := DirTrack + Distance;
{If the track is inside the valid range then check if there's a free
  sector on it}
        if Track < LastTrack then Found := IsTrackFree(Track);
{If no luck either then move one track away from the directory track and
  try again}
      if not Found then Inc(Distance);
{If the whole disk is full and we're allowed to use the directory track
  for file data then try there, too}
    if not Found and CopyToDirTrack then
      Track := DirTrack;
      Found := IsTrackFree(Track);
{If we finally found a track with, at least, one free sector then search
  for a free sector in it}
    if Found then
{Determine how many sectors there are on that track}
      MaxSector := SectorNum(Track);
{Start off with sector zero}
      Sector := 0;
{Check if the current sector is free}
        Found := IsSectorFree(Track, Sector);
{If it isn't then go on to the next sector}
        if not Found then Inc(Sector);
{Repeat the check until we find a free sector or run off the track}
      until Found or (Sector >= MaxSector);
{Return the search result}
  FirstCopyBlock := Found;


{Find a sector for the next block of the file, using variables Track and
  Output: when True, a sector was found; otherwise no more sectors left}
function NextCopyBlock: Boolean;
  Found: Boolean;
  CurTrack: Byte;
  if (Track = 0) or (Track >= MaxTrack) then
{If we somehow already ran off the disk then there are no more free
  sectors left}
    NextCopyBlock := False;
{Set the number of tries to three}
    Tries := 3;
{We found no free sector yet}
    Found := False;
{Remember the current track number}
    CurTrack := Track;
{Keep trying until we find a free sector or run out of tries}
    while not Found and (Tries > 0) do
{Get the number of sectors on the current track}
      MaxSector := SectorNum(Track);
{If there's, at least, one free sector on the track then get searching}
      if IsTrackFree(Track) then
{If this is a non-GEOS disk or we're still on the same track of a
  GEOS-formatted disk then...}
        if (Track = CurTrack) or not GEOSFormat then
{Move away an "interleave" number of sectors}
          Inc(Sector, Interleave);
{Empirical GEOS optimization, get one sector backwards if over track 25}
          if GEOSFormat and (Track >= 25) then Dec(Sector);
{For a different track of a GEOS-formatted disk, use sector skew}
          Sector := (Track - CurTrack) shl 1 + 4 + Interleave;
{If we ran off the track then correct the result}
        while Sector >= MaxSector do
{Subtract the number of sectors on the track}
          Dec(Sector, MaxSector);
{Empirical optimization, get one sector backwards if beyond sector zero}
          if (Sector > 0) and not GEOSFormat then Dec(Sector);
{Remember the sector we finally arrived at}
        CurSector := Sector;
{Check if the current sector is free}
          Found := IsSectorFree(Track, Sector);
{If it isn't then go to the next sector}
          if not Found then Inc(Sector);
{If we ran off the track then wrap around to sector zero}
          if Sector >= MaxSector then Sector := 0;
{Keep searching until we find a free sector or arrive back at the
  original sector}
        until Found or (Sector = CurSector);
{If the current track is used up completely then...}
        if GEOSFormat then
{Move one track upwards on a GEOS-formatted disk}
{Skip the directory tracks on the way}
          if (Track = DirTrack) or (Track = DirTrack2) then Inc(Track);
{If we ran off the disk then there are no more tries}
          if Track = LastTrack then Tries := 0;
{If we already tried the directory track then there are no more tries}
          if Track = DirTrack then
            Tries := 0;
            if Track < DirTrack then
{If we're below the directory track then move one track downwards}
              if Track < FirstTrack then
{If we ran off the disk then step back to the track just above the
  directory track and zero the sector number}
                Track := DirTrack + 1;
                Sector := 0;
{If there are no tracks available above the directory track then there
  are no tries left; otherwise just decrease the number of tries}
                if Track < LastTrack then Dec(Tries) else Tries := 0;
{If we're above the directory track then move one track upwards}
{Skip the secondary directory track on the way}
              if Track = DirTrack2 then Inc(Track);
              if Track = LastTrack then
{If we ran off the disk then step back to the track just below the
  directory track and zero the sector number}
                Track := DirTrack - 1;
                Sector := 0;
{If there are no tracks available below the directory track then there
  are no tries left; otherwise just decrease the number of tries}
                if Track >= FirstTrack then Dec(Tries) else Tries := 0;
      if not Found and (Tries = 0) and (Track <> DirTrack) and
        CopyToDirTrack then
{If we haven't found any free sector, ran out of tries and haven't tried
  the directory track yet, although it's declared as available for file
  data, then give the directory track an extra try}
        Track := DirTrack;
{Return the search result}
    NextCopyBlock := Found;

{=== End of Pascal source ================================================}


C source

/* === Start of C source =============================================== */

/* Type definitions */

#define byte unsigned char
#define boolean unsigned char
#define true (0 == 0)
#define false (0 == 1)

/* --- Global variables --- */

/* When true, this is a GEOS-formatted disk, therefore, files have to be
   saved the GEOS way onto it */
/* When true, free sectors on the directory track are also allowed to hold
   file data if the disk otherwise gets full */
/* Track number of current block of file */
/* Sector number of current block of file */
/* Track number of first track (may be above one for subdirectories on 1581
   disks) */
/* Track number of last track plus one (may be below the physical end of
   disk for subdirectories on 1581 disks) */
/* Track number of physically last track plus one */
/* Track number of directory track */
/* Track number of secondary directory track (for 1571 disks); 255 (a
   non-existent track), if not available */
/* Soft interleave */

/* --- Support routines --- */

/* Determine if there's, at least, one free sector on a track
   Input : Track: the track to check
   Output: when true, there's, at least, one free sector on the track */
boolean IsTrackFree(byte Track);

/* Determine if a sector is free
   Input : Track: the track number of sector to check
           Sector: the sector number of sector to check
  Output: when true, the sector is free; otherwise used */
boolean IsSectorFree(byte Track, byte Sector);

/* Determine the number of sectors (or the highest valid sector number
   plus one) for a track
   Input : Track: track number
   Output: the number of sectors on the track */
byte SectorNum(byte Track);

/* --- Implementation of algorithms --- */

/* Prototype for NextCopyBlock() */
boolean NextCopyBlock();

/* Find a sector for the first block of the file, using variables Track and
   Output: when true, a sector was found; otherwise no more sectors left */
boolean FirstCopyBlock()
  boolean Found;
  byte MaxSector,
/* We found no free sector yet */
  Found = false;
/* If this is a GEOS-formatted disk then use the other routine, from track
   one upwards */
  if (GEOSFormat)
    Track = 1;
    Sector = 0;
    Found = NextCopyBlock();
/* If it's a normal disk then we start off with tracks just besides the
   directory track */
    Distance = 1;
/* Search until we find a free block or moved too far from the directory
   track */
    while (!Found && (Distance < 128))
/* Check the track below the directory track first */
      Track = DirTrack - Distance;
/* If the track is inside the valid range then check if there's a free
   sector on it */
      if ((Track >= FirstTrack) && (Track < LastTrack))
        Found = IsTrackFree(Track);
      if (!Found)
/* If no luck then check the track above the directory track */
        Track = DirTrack + Distance;
/* If the track is inside the valid range then check if there's a free
   sector on it */
        if (Track < LastTrack) Found = IsTrackFree(Track);
/* If no luck either then move one track away from the directory track and
  try again */
      if (!Found) Distance++;
/* If the whole disk is full and we're allowed to use the directory track
   for file data then try there, too */
    if (!Found && CopyToDirTrack)
      Track = DirTrack;
      Found = IsTrackFree(Track);
/* If we finally found a track with, at least, one free sector then search
   for a free sector in it */
    if (Found)
/* Determine how many sectors there are on that track */
      MaxSector = SectorNum(Track);
/* Start off with sector zero */
      Sector = 0;
/* Check if the current sector is free */
        Found = IsSectorFree(Track, Sector);
/* If it isn't then go on to the next sector */
        if (!Found) Sector++;
/* Repeat the check until we find a free sector or run off the track */
      } while (!Found && (Sector < MaxSector));
/* Return the search result */

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Find a sector for the next block of the file, using variables Track and
   Output: when true, a sector was found; otherwise no more sectors left */
boolean NextCopyBlock()
  boolean Found;
  byte Tries,
  if ((Track == 0) || (Track >= MaxTrack))
/* If we somehow already ran off the disk then there are no more free
   sectors left */
/* Set the number of tries to three */
    Tries = 3;
/* We found no free sector yet */
    Found = false;
/* Remember the current track number */
    CurTrack = Track;
/* Keep trying until we find a free sector or run out of tries */
    while (!Found && (Tries > 0))
/* Get the number of sectors on the current track */
      MaxSector = SectorNum(Track);
/* If there's, at least, one free sector on the track then get searching */
      if (IsTrackFree(Track))
/* If this is a non-GEOS disk or we're still on the same track of a
  GEOS-formatted disk then... */
        if ((Track == CurTrack) || !GEOSFormat)
/* Move away an "interleave" number of sectors */
          Sector += Interleave;
/* Empirical GEOS optimization, get one sector backwards if over track 25 */
          if (GEOSFormat && (Track >= 25)) Sector--;
/* For a different track of a GEOS-formatted disk, use sector skew */
          Sector = ((Track - CurTrack) << 1) + 4 + Interleave;
/* If we ran off the track then correct the result */
        while (Sector >= MaxSector)
/* Subtract the number of sectors on the track */
          Sector -= MaxSector;
/* Empirical optimization, get one sector backwards if beyond sector zero */
          if ((Sector > 0) && !GEOSFormat) Sector--;
/* Remember the sector we finally arrived at */
        CurSector = Sector;
/* Check if the current sector is free */
          Found = IsSectorFree(Track, Sector);
/* If it isn't then go to the next sector */
          if (!Found) Sector++;
/* If we ran off the track then wrap around to sector zero */
          if (Sector >= MaxSector) Sector = 0;
/* Keep searching until we find a free sector or arrive back at the
  original sector */
        } while (!Found && (Sector != CurSector));
/* If the current track is used up completely then... */
        if (GEOSFormat)
/* Move one track upwards on a GEOS-formatted disk */
/* Skip the directory tracks on the way */
          if ((Track == DirTrack) || (Track == DirTrack2)) Track++;
/* If we ran off the disk then there are no more tries */
          if (Track == LastTrack) Tries = 0;
/* If we already tried the directory track then there are no more tries */
          if (Track == DirTrack)
            Tries = 0;
            if (Track < DirTrack)
/* If we're below the directory track then move one track downwards */
              if (Track < FirstTrack)
/* If we ran off the disk then step back to the track just above the
  directory track and zero the sector number */
                Track = DirTrack + 1;
                Sector = 0;
/* If there are no tracks available above the directory track then there
  are no tries left; otherwise just decrease the number of tries */
                if (Track < LastTrack) Tries--; else Tries = 0;
/* If we're above the directory track then move one track upwards */
/* Skip the secondary directory track on the way */
              if (Track == DirTrack2) Track++;
              if (Track == LastTrack)
/* If we ran off the disk then step back to the track just below the
  directory track and zero the sector number */
                Track = DirTrack - 1;
                Sector = 0;
/* If there are no tracks available below the directory track then there
  are no tries left; otherwise just decrease the number of tries */
                if (Track >= FirstTrack) Tries--; else Tries = 0;
      if (!Found && (Tries == 0) && (Track != DirTrack) && CopyToDirTrack)
/* If we haven't found any free sector, ran out of tries and haven't tried
  the directory track yet, although it's declared as available for file
  data, then give the directory track an extra try */
        Track = DirTrack;
/* Return the search result */

/* === End of C source ================================================= */

  2000-05-05    0.01    Initial internal release
  2000-05-08    0.02    New: Translated the Pascal source to C
                        New: Separated text into numbered sections
                        Mod: Changed wording to make it more understandable
  2000-06-29    0.03    Fix: Fixed a couple of typos
  2000-07-28    0.04    Mod: Changed some wording again
  2000-11-05    0.05    Fix: Fixed some syntactical errors in the C source
  2001-02-22    0.10    Fix: Fixed some typos
                        Fix: Bytes, booleans are unsigned chars in C source