+------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU) 6510 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Related topics: | | 6510 illegal instruction set | 6510 instruction chart | | 65816 extended instruction set | 65816 instruction chart | | 6510/65816 Addressing modes | Bugs and flaws of the 6510 | | Instructions set: | | ADC Add Memory to Accumulator with Carry | AND "AND" Memory with Accumulator | ASL Shift Left One Bit (Memory or Accumulator) | | BCC Branch on Carry Clear | BCS Branch on Carry Set | BEQ Branch on Result Zero | BIT Test Bits in Memory with Accumulator | BMI Branch on Result Minus | BNE Branch on Result not Zero | BPL Branch on Result Plus | BRK Force Break | BVC Branch on Overflow Clear | BVS Branch on Overflow Set | | CLC Clear Carry Flag | CLD Clear Decimal Mode | CLI Clear interrupt Disable Bit | CLV Clear Overflow Flag | CMP Compare Memory and Accumulator | CPX Compare Memory and Index X | CPY Compare Memory and Index Y | | DEC Decrement Memory by One | DEX Decrement Index X by One | DEY Decrement Index Y by One | | EOR "Exclusive-Or" Memory with Accumulator | | INC Increment Memory by One | INX Increment Index X by One | INY Increment Index Y by One | | JMP Jump to New Location | JSR Jump to New Location Saving Return Address | | LDA Load Accumulator with Memory | LDX Load Index X with Memory | LDY Load Index Y with Memory | LSR Shift Right One Bit (Memory or Accumulator) | | NOP No Operation | | ORA "OR" Memory with Accumulator | | PHA Push Accumulator on Stack | PHP Push Processor Status on Stack | PLA Pull Accumulator from Stack | PLP Pull Processor Status from Stack | | ROL Rotate One Bit Left (Memory or Accumulator) | ROR Rotate One Bit Right (Memory or Accumulator) | RTI Return from Interrupt | RTS Return from Subroutine | | SBC Subtract Memory from Accumulator with Borrow | SEC Set Carry Flag | SED Set Decimal Mode | SEI Set Interrupt Disable Status | STA Store Accumulator in Memory | STX Store Index X in Memory | STY Store Index Y in Memory | | TAX Transfer Accumulator to Index X | TAY Transfer Accumulator to Index Y | TSX Transfer Stack Pointer to Index X | TXA Transfer Index X to Accumulator | TXS Transfer Index X to Stack Pointer | TYA Transfer Index Y to Accumulator | +------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to Mainpage |