  |  Related topics:
  |   6510 instruction set
  |   6510 illegal instruction set
  |   6510 instruction chart
  |   65816 instruction chart
  |   6510/65816 Addressing modes
  |  Instructions set:
  |     BRA   Branch Always
  |     BRL   Branch Always Long
  |     COP   Coprocessor
  |     JML   Jump Long
  |     JSL   Jump Subroutine Long
  |     MVN   Block Move Negative
  |     MVP   Block Move Positive
  |     PEA   Push Effective Absolute Address on Stack (or Push Immediate Data on Stack)
  |     PEI   Push Effective Indirect Address on Stack
  |     PER   Push Effective Program Counter Relative Address on Stack
  |     PHB   Push Data Bank Register on Stack
  |     PHD   Push Direct Register on Stack
  |     PHK   Push Program Bank Register on Stack
  |     PHX   Push Index X on Stack
  |     PHY   Push index Y on Stack
  |     PLB   Pull Data Bank Register from Stack
  |     PLD   Pull Direct Register from Stack
  |     PLX   Pull Index X from Stack
  |     PLY   Pull Index Y form Stack
  |     REP   Reset Status Bits
  |     RTL   Return from Subroutine Long
  |     SEP   Set Processor Status Bits
  |     STP   Stop the Clock
  |     STZ   Store Zero in Memory
  |     TCD   Transfer Accumulator to Direct Register
  |     TCS   Transfer Accumulator to Stack Pointer Register
  |     TDC   Transfer Direct Register to Accumulator
  |     TRB   Test and Reset Bit
  |     TSB   Test and Set Bit
  |     TSC   Transfer Stack Pointer Register to Accumulator
  |     TXY   Transfer Index X to Index Y
  |     TYX   Transfer Index Y to Index X
  |     WAI   Wait for Interrupt
  |     WDM   Reserved for Future Expansion
  |     XBA   Exchange AH and AL
  |     XCE   Exchange Carry and Emulation Bits

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