$B6A3/46755:   Perform String Housekeeping

Jump from $B782, $E25A:

B6A3: 20 8F AD  JSR $AD8F     ; Confirm Result

Jump from $A9E0, $AB21, $B034, $B381:

B6A6: A5 64     LDA $64       ; FAC Mantissa
B6A8: A4 65     LDY $65       ; FAC Mantissa

Jump from $B041, $B667, $B671, $B716:

B6AA: 85 22     STA $22       ; Second Utility Pointer
B6AC: 84 23     STY $23       ; Second Utility Pointer
B6AE: 20 DB B6  JSR $B6DB     ; Clean Descriptor Stack
B6B1: 08        PHP
B6B2: A0 00     LDY #$00
B6B4: B1 22     LDA ($22),Y   ; Second Utility Pointer
B6B6: 48        PHA
B6B7: C8        INY
B6B8: B1 22     LDA ($22),Y   ; Second Utility Pointer
B6BA: AA        TAX
B6BB: C8        INY
B6BC: B1 22     LDA ($22),Y   ; Second Utility Pointer
B6BE: A8        TAY
B6BF: 68        PLA
B6C0: 28        PLP
B6C1: D0 13     BNE $B6D6
B6C3: C4 34     CPY $34       ; Pointer: Bottom of String space
B6C5: D0 0F     BNE $B6D6
B6C7: E4 33     CPX $33       ; Pointer: Bottom of String space
B6C9: D0 0B     BNE $B6D6
B6CB: 48        PHA
B6CC: 18        CLC
B6CD: 65 33     ADC $33       ; Pointer: Bottom of String space
B6CF: 85 33     STA $33       ; Pointer: Bottom of String space
B6D1: 90 02     BCC $B6D5
B6D3: E6 34     INC $34       ; Pointer: Bottom of String space

Jump from $B6D1:

B6D5: 68        PLA

Jump from $B6C1, $B6C5, $B6C9:

B6D6: 86 22     STX $22       ; Second Utility Pointer
B6D8: 84 23     STY $23       ; Second Utility Pointer
B6DA: 60        RTS

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