unsigned int duty_cycle
int post_data_bits
length of post_data
lirc_t sthree
3 (only used for RC-MM)
ir_code toggle_mask
Sharp (?) error detection scheme.
ir_code pre_data
data which the remote sends before actual keycode
ir_code post
post data, sent after code.
uint32_t gap
time between signals in usecs
char * dyncodes_name
name for unknown buttons
uint32_t repeat_gap
time between two repeat codes if different from gap
lirc_t max_remaining_gap
Estimated max time of trailing gap.
ir_code code
Code part, matched to code defintion.
uint32_t gap2
time between signals in usecs
unsigned int stop_bits
mapping: 1->2 1.5->3 2->4
lirc_t pre_s
signal between pre_data and keycode
int dyncode
last received code
IR Command, corresponding to one (command defining) line of the configuration file.
lirc_t stwo
2 (only used for RC-MM)
unsigned int aeps
detecting very short pulses is difficult with relative tolerance for some remotes, this is an absolute tolerance to solve this problem usually you can say 0 here.
lirc_t srepeat
indicate repeating
State describing code, pre, post + gap and repeat state.
int release_detected
set by release generator
lirc_t min_remaining_gap
Estimated min time of trailing gap.
struct ir_code_node * transmit_state
lirc_t max_remaining_gap
gap range
int suppress_repeat
suppress unwanted repeats
ir_code code
The first code of the command.
const char * driver
Name of driver for LIRCCODE cases.
struct ir_ncode * next_ncode
Next code in recorded buttons list.
unsigned int min_code_repeat
meaningful only if remote sends a repeat code: in this case this value indicates how often the real c...
struct ir_ncode dyncodes[2]
helper structs for unknown buttons
ir_code rc6_mask
RC-6 doubles signal length of some bits.
int repeat_flag
True if code is a repeated one.
ir_code toggle_bit_mask
previously only one bit called toggle_bit
int min_repeat
code is repeated at least x times code sent once -> min_repeat=0
ir_code ignore_mask
mask defines which bits can be ignored when matching a code
uint64_t ir_code
Denotes an internal coded representation for an IR transmission.
unsigned int bits_in_byte
default: 8