$D016/53270/VIC+22:  Control Register 2

   | Bits 7-6 |    Unused                                         |
   | Bit  5   |    Reset-Bit: 1 = Stop VIC (no Video Out, no RAM  |
   |          |                   refresh, no bus access)         |
   | Bit  4   |    Multi-Color Mode: 1 = Enable (Text or Bitmap)  |
   | Bit  3   |    Select 38/40 Column Text Display: 1 = 40 Cols  |
   | Bits 2-0 |    Smooth Scroll to X Dot-Position (0-7)          |

   Default Value: $08/8 (%00001000).

   See also: Bit Interpretations in Hires and MC-Mode


 STX $D016   : $FCEF