 | VIC Bit Interpretations |

  This map shows you which bit-combination forces VIC to get
  the color-data from which location for all the different modes.

 | Charset-Hires |  0 = Background ($D021)      1 = Color-RAM               |
 | Charset-MC    | 00 = Background ($D021)     01 = MC-Color1 ($D022)       |
 |               | 10 = MC-Color2  ($D023)     11 = Color-RAM               |
 | Bitmap-Hires  |  0 = LN Screen-RAM           1 = HN Screen-RAM           |
 | Bitmap-MC     | 00 = Background ($D021)     01 = HN Screen-RAM           |
 |               | 10 = LN Screen-RAM          11 = Color-RAM               |
 | Sprite-Hires  |  0 = Background ($D021)      1 = Sprite-Color ($D027..)  |
 | Sprite-MC     | 00 = Background ($D021)     01 = Sprite-MC-Color1 ($D025)|
 |               | 10 = Sprite-Color ($D027..) 11 = Sprite-MC-Color2 ($D026)|

  LN = Low-Nybble ; HN = High-Nybble