$F76A/63338:   Write Tape Header

Jump from $F2E8, $F3BF, $F677, $F689:

F76A: 85 9E     STA $9E       ; Tape Error log pass 1
F76C: 20 D0 F7  JSR $F7D0     ; Get Buffer Address
F76F: 90 5E     BCC $F7CF
F771: A5 C2     LDA $C2       ; Start Address for LOAD and Cassette Write
F773: 48        PHA
F774: A5 C1     LDA $C1       ; Start Address for LOAD and Cassette Write
F776: 48        PHA
F777: A5 AF     LDA $AF       ; Tape End Address/End of Program
F779: 48        PHA
F77A: A5 AE     LDA $AE       ; Tape End Address/End of Program
F77C: 48        PHA
F77D: A0 BF     LDY #$BF
F77F: A9 20     LDA #$20

Jump from $F784:

F781: 91 B2     STA ($B2),Y   ; Pointer: Start Address of Tape Buffer
F783: 88        DEY
F784: D0 FB     BNE $F781
F786: A5 9E     LDA $9E       ; Tape Error log pass 1
F788: 91 B2     STA ($B2),Y   ; Pointer: Start Address of Tape Buffer
F78A: C8        INY
F78B: A5 C1     LDA $C1       ; Start Address for LOAD and Cassette Write
F78D: 91 B2     STA ($B2),Y   ; Pointer: Start Address of Tape Buffer
F78F: C8        INY
F790: A5 C2     LDA $C2       ; Start Address for LOAD and Cassette Write
F792: 91 B2     STA ($B2),Y   ; Pointer: Start Address of Tape Buffer
F794: C8        INY
F795: A5 AE     LDA $AE       ; Tape End Address/End of Program
F797: 91 B2     STA ($B2),Y   ; Pointer: Start Address of Tape Buffer
F799: C8        INY
F79A: A5 AF     LDA $AF       ; Tape End Address/End of Program
F79C: 91 B2     STA ($B2),Y   ; Pointer: Start Address of Tape Buffer
F79E: C8        INY
F79F: 84 9F     STY $9F       ; Tape Error log pass 2
F7A1: A0 00     LDY #$00
F7A3: 84 9E     STY $9E       ; Tape Error log pass 1

Jump from $F7B5:

F7A5: A4 9E     LDY $9E       ; Tape Error log pass 1
F7A7: C4 B7     CPY $B7       ; Number of Characters in Filename
F7A9: F0 0C     BEQ $F7B7
F7AB: B1 BB     LDA ($BB),Y   ; Pointer: Current File name Address
F7AD: A4 9F     LDY $9F       ; Tape Error log pass 2
F7AF: 91 B2     STA ($B2),Y   ; Pointer: Start Address of Tape Buffer
F7B1: E6 9E     INC $9E       ; Tape Error log pass 1
F7B3: E6 9F     INC $9F       ; Tape Error log pass 2
F7B5: D0 EE     BNE $F7A5

Jump from $F7A9:

F7B7: 20 D7 F7  JSR $F7D7     ; Set Buffer Stat / End Pointers
F7BA: A9 69     LDA #$69
F7BC: 85 AB     STA $AB       ; RS232 Input parity/Tape temporary
F7BE: 20 6B F8  JSR $F86B     ; Initiate Tape Write
F7C1: A8        TAY
F7C2: 68        PLA
F7C3: 85 AE     STA $AE       ; Tape End Address/End of Program
F7C5: 68        PLA
F7C6: 85 AF     STA $AF       ; Tape End Address/End of Program
F7C8: 68        PLA
F7C9: 85 C1     STA $C1       ; Start Address for LOAD and Cassette Write
F7CB: 68        PLA
F7CC: 85 C2     STA $C2       ; Start Address for LOAD and Cassette Write
F7CE: 98        TYA

Jump from $F76F:

F7CF: 60        RTS

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