$C398/50072:   Check given file type

Jump from $C823, $DA98:

C398: A0 00     LDY #$00
C39A: AD 77 02  LDA $0277       ; '=' found?
C39D: CD 78 02  CMP $0278
C3A0: F0 16     BEQ $C3B8       ; no
C3A2: CE 78 02  DEC $0278       ; get pointer
C3A5: AC 78 02  LDY $0278
C3A8: B9 7A 02  LDA $027A,Y     ; set pointer to character behind '='
C3AB: A8        TAY
C3AC: B1 A3     LDA ($A3),Y     ; pointer to buffer
C3AE: A0 04     LDY #$04        ; compare with marker for file type

Jump from $C3B6:

C3B0: D9 BB FE  CMP $FEBB,Y     ; 'S', 'P', 'U', 'R'
C3B3: F0 03     BEQ $C3B8       ; agreement
C3B5: 88        DEY
C3B6: D0 F8     BNE $C3B0

Jump from $C3A0, $C3B3:

C3B8: 98        TYA
C3B9: 8D 96 02  STA $0296       ; note file type (1-4)
C3BC: 60        RTS

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