Legal notice

If not stated otherwise, all documents on this site written by the site maintainer are implicitly COPYRIGHTED and are distributed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.1. Represented source code comes under its own license, implicitly GNU General Public License, Version 2, if not stated otherwise. This does not affect pages, documents and programs not written by the site maintainer; this does not affect off-site pages, documents and programs; they are copyrighted (or not) by their authors and are distributed under the terms of their own licenses.

If you are going to distribute, publish, quote, translate or modify the material, you should carefully read the particular license agreement. Do not get yourself into trouble.


NO WARRANTY, as usual, you know. All material is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Site maintainer shall not be liable to any party for ANY damage (including indirect or accidental) arising from the use of the material, even if he has been advised of the possibility of such damage.

Note that it is solely your responsibility how to use information available on the site. This site is neither about "cracking", nor about "shell codes" or "virmaking". Site maintainer is in no way related to these topics. He WILL NOT answer questions about these things. The term "hacker", if it appears on the site, means "professional/expert/wizard programmer" (which is its original meaning), and does not mean "cracker" or "software pirate". If you are interested in things like that, you are at the wrong place.


All inquires and suggestions should be sent to the site maintainer: Leo Noordergraaf < lnoor (at) users (dot) sourceforge (dot) net>.

You can ask him assembly-related questions as well, but as a rule it is a good idea to use mailing list for this purpose.


The history of Linux Assembly is available in russian language only.


Dragan Stancevic' assistance is invaluable. He did all graphics and initial design of the site, and is helping a lot with administrative/finance tasks.

Karsten Scheibler contributed a series of articles dealing with various aspects of Linux-specific assembly programming.

Finally, thanks to:

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$Id: info.html 9 2013-03-02 16:36:41Z lnoor $