The serial port is a buffered, 8-bit synchronous shift register
system. A control bit selects input or output mode. In input mode,
data on the SP pin is shifted into the shift register on the rising
edge of the signal applied to the CNT pin. After 8 CNT pulses, the
data in the shift register is dumped into the Serial Data Register
and an interrupt is generated. In the output mode, TIMER A is used
for the baud rate generator. Data is shifted out on the SP pin at
1/2 the underflow rate of TIMER A. The maximum baud rate possible
is divided by 4, but the maximum useable baud
rate will be determined by line loading and the speed at which the
receiver responds to input data. Transmission will start following
a write to the Serial Data Register (provided TIMER A is running
and in continuous mode). The clock signal derived from TIMER A
appears as an output on the CNT pin. The data in the Serial Data
Register will be loaded into the shift register then shift out to
the SP pin when a CNT pulse occurs. Data shifted out becomes valid
on the falling edge of CNT and remains valid until the next falling
edge. After 8 CNT pulses, an interrupt is generated to indicate
more data can be sent. If the Serial Data Register was loaded with
new information prior to this interrupt, the new data will
automatically be loaded into the shift register and transmission
will continue. If the microprocessor stays one byte ahead of the
shift register, transmission will be continuous. If no further data
is to be transmitted, after the 8th CNT pulse, CNT will return high
and SP will remain at the level of the last data bit transmitted.
SDR data is shifted out MSB first and serial input data should also
appear in this format.
The bidirectional capability of the Serial Port and CNT clock allows many 6526 devices to be connected to a common serial communication bus on which one 6526 acts as a master, sourcing data and shift clock, while all other 6526 chips act as slaves. Both CNT and SP outputs are open drain to allow such a common bus. Protocol for master/slave selection can be transmitted over the serial bus, or via dedicated handshaking lines.