$DE08/56840/RR+8: SilverSurfer: Receive/Transmit Buffer Baud Rate Divisor LSB Receive/Transmit Buffer (if Bit 7 of $DE0B is 0) Baud Rate Divisor Low Byte (if Bit 7 of $DE0B is 1) Baud rate divisors can be calculated by taking the oscillating frequency (7,372,800) and dividing by the quantity of the desired baud rate times the UART clocking factor (16). Use the following formula (avoid 0!): Divisor = 7372800 / (BaudRate * 16) Examples: BaudRate Divisor BaudRate Divisor dec. hex. dec. hex. 300 1536 $0600 19200 24 $0018 600 768 $0300 38400 12 $000c 1200 384 $0180 57600 8 $0008 1800 256 $0100 115200 4 $0004 2400 192 $00c0 153600 3 $0003 4800 96 $0060 230400 2 $0002 9600 48 $0030 460800 1 $0001 |