$DC00/56320/CIA1+0: Data Port A (Keyboard, Joystick, Paddles) +----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Bits 7-0 | Write Keyboard Column Values for Keyboard Scan | | Bits 7-6 | Paddles on: 01 = Port A, 10 = Port B | | Bit 4 | Joystick A Fire Button: 0 = Pressed | | Bit 3 | Joystick A Right: 0 = Pressed, or Paddle Button | | Bit 2 | Joystick A Left : 0 = Pressed, or Paddle Button | | Bit 1 | Joystick A Down : 0 = Pressed | | Bit 0 | Joystick A Up : 0 = Pressed | +----------+---------------------------------------------------+ Do NOT use Paddles on both Ports at the same time! Joystick A is the one plugged into Port 2. Default Value: $7F/127 (%01111111) Kernal-Reference: STA $DC00 : $E93A $E945 $EA90 $EAA5 $EAD7 $EB44 $F6D4 $FDAB STX $DC00 : $F6C9 |