Author: Karsten Scheibler Homepage: eMail: ================ ec64bootdisk ============== NOTE: ec64 itself supports sound, but i don't know on what machine you will run this bootdisk, so i decided to use a linux kernel with no sound support at all, because of the huge amount of different system configurations out there. [1a] DOS/Windows: Use RAWRITE.EXE to write the EC64BOOT.DSK file to a 1.44MB floppy disk. If you don't know how to use rawrite, read RAWRITE3.DOC [1b] UN*X: Use
to write the image to floppy /dev/fd0 [2] Boot from this above generated disk [3] You should see some linux boot messages and at the buttom of the screen a small dialog, where you have to select a disk image, which is loaded in ec64 at startup. [4] After some seconds the C64 Screen should appear (you have american keyboard layout). [5] You may now type LOAD"$",8 followed by a LIST. Use LOAD"*",8,1 to load the first program from disk, use RUN to start it. Or you can do something else you would do with a C64 ;-)